Qactus v2.0.0 is out!

Here it is! Qactus v2.0.0 has been released 馃檪
The main focus of this version has been on improving the browser.

New features:

  • Improved UI: revamped toolbar, new action toolbars for projects, packages, files and build results, new side bar icons
  • Bookmarks: first version for the watchlist
  • New package actions: submit, copy, link and properties
  • New project action: properties
  • MetaConfigEditor (beta): now it is possible to edit a project/package properties such as general info, repository, repository flags, users and groups
  • New search widget (Ctrl+F) for BuildLogViewer
  • Showing outgoing and declined requests

Miscellaneous bugfixes and 芦hidden features禄 馃槈

Source codeRPM packages

Esta entrada fue publicada en English y etiquetada , , , . Guarda el enlace permanente.

Una respuesta a Qactus v2.0.0 is out!

  1. Pingback: Javier Llorente: ” #qactus v2.0.0 has been released” http://www.jav… | Dr. Roy Schestowitz (缃椾紛)

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